Discussione: Ace mod 2
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Vecchio 10-03-10, 11:45   #14
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Exclamation ACE 2 Versione stabile

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Praticamente è stata rilasciata una versione "stabile " di ACE2.
Cerco di caricarla appena possibile sul ns server ed evitare così aggiornamenti funo alla prossima release "stabile".

Evil_Echo informed us on our forums Sickboy released version 1.0 of the Advanced Combat Environment mod on the BI forums.
Please note we are still in the process of uploading these files to our servers. Later tonight we will be ready to mirror them!

Quote Sickboy :
It has been nearly 2 months, and a lot of successfully deployed updates, since the A.C.E. Advanced Combat Environment Mod, Beta 2 was released.
We've made a lot of progress, and today would like to present our v1.0 Stable release to you.

We intend to keep updating our Mod following a set schedule.
We do this to get as much feedback and bug reports as possible, as soon as possible, and provide everyone the latest code to test.
This means the development will be ongoing, new improvements and additions will arrive as we go

If you don't want to keep up2date with our latest ongoing development, we recommend you download and install these Stable releases instead.

v1.0 Stable - Release Notes

What is A.C.E. and what is it not
A.C.E. for ArmA 2 is a full conversion mod and is based on A.C.E. for ArmA 1, which was based on WGL for OFP.
The WGL and A.C.E 1 roots were "When realism matters". And with A.C.E. 2 it is no different.
We try to keep a balance between realism and gameplay. We try not to sacrifice either in name of the other.
We try to please as many as possible, but it is simply impossible to please all.
Please feel free to give constructive feedback on our choices.

The Package
The A.C.E. Package for ArmA 2, at this time, consists out of 5 building blocks:
[*] CBA: Community Base Addons[*] ACE: Core[*] ACEX: eXtras[*] ACEX_PLA: Chinese Expansion, by Fromz[*] ACEX_SM: SoundMod (Overriding default ArmA sounds)

CBA and ACE are a requirement, while ACEX, ACEX_SM and ACEX_PLA are optional expansion packs.
This way, we hope to support our users who have requested smaller mod size, and ability to concentrate on their type of units/vehicles/weapons for countries they like to play with/against.

Advanced Combat Environment 2 - Core v1.0
Advanced Combat Environment 2 - eXtras v1.0
Advanced Combat Environment 2 - ACEX PLA v1.0
Advanced Combat Environment 2 - SM v1.0

Community Base addons v0.3.1

Also thanks to LoneStar for informing us about the release!

Written on 2010-03-09 by Foxhound
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