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Vecchio 28-01-13, 23:56   #10
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Data Registrazione: Aug 2009
Messaggi: 752

Altre possibili soluzioni proposte dai programmatori del gioco:

Video Card Drivers:
1. Update your video card drivers. (There may be beta video card drivers available.)
- AMD: "I link sono visualizzabili solo per gli utenti registrati." Registrati cliccando QUI. []
- nVidia: "I link sono visualizzabili solo per gli utenti registrati." Registrati cliccando QUI. []

Memory Usage:
1. Some users running Windows 7 (32-bit) or Vista (32-bit) were able to address crashes by applying these steps.
- Open up cmd prompt
- Type in: bcdedit /set increaseuserva 3072 (note for 4GB RAM change value from 3072 to 2500)
- Press Enter and restart your computer
- To revert this change, type in: BDCEdit /set increaseuserva 2048

1. If you find that you're disconnected from servers frequently, try the following steps:
- Following your router's manufacturer's guide, log into the router's administration panel
- Find the uPnP option and disable this option.
- Your router may reboot when saving

1. If you find that you are getting black screen or frequent crashes in game then this solution has been raised by a number of community members:
- Load Origin
- Select the IN GAME tab
- If you have ENABLE ORIGIN IN GAME checked, disable this option
- Click DONE

Fonte: "I link sono visualizzabili solo per gli utenti registrati." Registrati cliccando QUI.
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