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Vecchio 11-09-10, 02:31   #1
L'avatar di Fox
Data Registrazione: Jun 2009
Messaggi: 3,678
Predefinito Rcon Comandi Procon

Command Response Scopes (default)
Responses will be displayed to everyone in the server. Everyone will see "Phogue has been kicked for team killing".
Responses will only be displayed to the account holder that issued the command. The command issuer will see "Phogue has been kicked for team killing" but no one else will.
Responses will be displayed to all players that hold an account ("display to admins only"). Only account holders will see "Phogue has been kicked for team killing".
All error messages are privately sent to the command issuer

Commands (default)
Kicking / Banning
@kick [playername] [optional: reason]
Kicks a player from your server
The reason will appear in the response and is used to display to the player on the games menu
Requirements: Minimum of kick privileges
@tban [playername] [time in minutes] [optional: reason]
Temporarily bans a player from your server for a set time in minutes
The reason will appear in the response and is used to display to the player on the games menu
By default procon will not allow users with only temporary ban privileges to ban for longer than an hour
Requirements: Minimum of temporary ban privileges
@ban [playername] [optional: reason]
Permanently bans a player from your server
The reason will appear in the response and is used to display to the player on the games menu
Requirements: Permanent ban privileges
@kill [playername] [optional: reason]
Kills a player
The reason will appear in the response and message sent to the player
Requirements: Minimum of kill privileges
@nuke [optional: team]
Kills every player in the server, or if a team is specified will kill every player on that team
Has a 10 seconds countdown that can be canceled with the @cancel command
Requirements: Minimum of kill privileges
@say [text]
Says [text] for everyone to see from the Server
Requirements: Must hold an account with procon
@psay [playername] [text]
Says [text] to a specific player from the Server
Requirements: Must hold an account with procon
@yell [text]
Yells [text] for everyone to see in the middle of their screen
Requirements: Must hold an account with procon
@pyell [playername] [text]
Yells [text] to a specific player in the middle of their screen
Requirements: Must hold an account with procon
Map controls
@restart [optional: timer]
Restarts the current map
If specified will display a countdown timer than can be canceled with the @cancel command
Requirements: Must have "Use Map Functions" privileges
@nextlevel [optional: timer]
Forwards to the next level
If specified will display a countdown timer than can be canceled with the @cancel command
Requirements: Must have "Use Map Functions" privileges
Player control
@move [playername]
Moves a player to another team. Swaps them in Rush, Conquest, Squad Rush and will cycle through the 4 teams in Squad Deathmatch
Queues the player and will move them when the next die
Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges
@move [playername] [squad]
Moves a player into a squad on their same team
Queues the player and will move them when the next die
Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges
@move [playername] [team]
Moves a player onto another team in no squad
Queues the player and will move them when the next die
Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges
@move [playername] [team] [squad]
Moves a player onto another team and into a specific squad
Queues the player and will move them when the next die
Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges
fmove functions exactly like all of the @move commands except forces the move immediately by killing the player
Requirements: Must be able to move players between teams and squads privileges
Cancels all countdowns initiated by the account holder
You cannot cancel other account holders countdowns
Requirements: Must hold an account with procon
Configurazione PC
( Click to show/hide )
Case: Corsair 750D. Mobo: Asus Z87-K. CPU: Intel Core i7 4770K. RAM: Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600MHz 16GB. GPU: Strix 980Ti. Monitor: Benq XL2420Z. Keyboard: Corsair Strafe. Mouse: Logitec G502. Mousepad: Steelseries QCK+.
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